Whether you have a valentine or not isn't important. What is imperative is that you love yourself. So in preparation for Valentine's Day I want you to make a list of all your lovable qualities.
If you have trouble coming up with them, let me help you begin:
- Your sense of humor.
- Your caring and sensitivity to your family, friends and, of course, your weight loss buddies.
- The fact that you made the decision to lose weight and are sticking to it (even if you have an occasional set-back).
- That little bit of daring that shows you are not afraid to try something new, even if it seems foolish.
- Your generous spirit.
- The fact that you've made peace with your goal.
- Your strength.
- Your willingness to forgive.
- Your loyalty to the ones you love.
- You can improvise. If one thing doesn't work you try other ways to accomplish your goal.
- You don't give up in the face of adversity.
- Your huge heart and all the love it holds.
The rest is up to wonderful you. Use this as a starting point and create your own list of your lovable traits. Oscar Wilde said "To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance." And the wise and knowing Buddha said "You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection".
So when Valentine's day rolls around, go out and buy something special just for you. A bagful of wonderfully exotic fruit or maybe one of those pretty flower hair clips you've been admiring (if you're a woman) or treat yourself to a pedicure and have your toenails painted in your favorite sexy color. Guys, I haven't forgotten you - how about indulging in a professional massage or buying yourself that gadget you've been coveting. It doesn't need to be anything pricey but something just for you, because you really are wonderful!
LOVE YOUR WRITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yo pienso diferente!!!I think different!!!
:) :) :)
Listening to the wise people (and they are few).There really is no "loving yourself". The only way love moves is through others.Keep it real and just live without too much thinking. It will only hurt you. Help yourself through helping others, being there for each other and be a human among the others.
Beso muchos para tí
what a great post!
Ok--you twisted my arm! I will buy myself something:)
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! xoxo
Love this post. After I gained weight I think it's one of the things I struggled with most (still do, to be honest).
Thanks for stopping by the other day! I'm really loving your blog, so I'll definitely be back. :)
Hey :o)
This post is really lovely!
This is a great post! I love the lovable qualities list! I might do this, this week :o)
Thank you for this... I woke up in a funk but reading this really helped!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and now I've found yours! I look forward to reading more about your journey. Great stuff!
I so love this! What a fantastic idea to really love yourself on Valetines Day! I have said a million times that we have to love ourselves before we can allow others to love us. What a great day to recognize it!
lovely post - thanks for this! Lisa AKA Snack-Girl
On Valentine's Day, the day of affection,I'm sending fond thoughts in your direction.
You're really special
Besos :)
I'm going to be close to you on Friday maybe we can have lunch?
besitos Call me
Great post. We are so quick to compliment others, but never stop to look at our postives and give them a little high five. What's important too is not to look to others for that high five. Great post
just want to say i love your blog
from bee620.blogspot.com
What a beautiful post! Thank you!
Thanks for turning around my Valentine's Day thinking! :) I love your positive outlook!
Happy Valentine's Day, friend!!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I appreciate your kind reminder of eating more veggies and fruits. I do in fact eat veggies. There were cucumbers, bean sprouts, and other greens in the Vietnamese vermicelli salad that I had yesterday for lunch. I also enjoy stirfrying fresh green beans for myself and my twins. I do however need to include more fruits. Thanks!
I absolutely LOVE this post!! Thanks!
Thanks so much! Your post was so positive and up lifting, it was a valentine! :-)
Great Valentine's post! In the mad rush to get cards and flowers and chocolate for our loved ones, we usually forget about love itself.
I think I'm going to make a similar list about my own lovable qualities. It's a great idea!
I LOVE this. thanks for posting it.
I am overwhelmed by the appreciative comments. I am so glad you loved my post and I hope you all have a very special Valentine's Day. I am taking myself for a manicure and pedicure today because I deserve to be loved and pampered! Don't you forget how wonderful YOU are!
Great Post!!!
Wonderful post, thank you for the reminder to *love ourselves*! Cliche as that sounds, how many of us neglect to do so?
Beautiful thoughts, for sure. Think I've decided that I WILL get that favorite bottle of nail polish out tomorrow and do fingernails and toes! Even though I'm wearing heavy socks all day long right now to keep the toes warm, I'll know they're sexy red even if no one else does!
Thank you for that reminder. Often times we forget about appreciating ourselves. Love your blog by the way. Not your usual weight management blog.
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